Thirukkural PDF

Thirukkural PDF

The Thirukkural, often called the Kural, is a classical Tamil work written by Thiruvalluvar, an ancient poet and philosopher. 1330 couplets, or “kurals,” make up this masterwork, which is divided into 133 chapters that address a variety of subjects like morals, ethics, government, love, and virtue.

Thirukkural, which was written more than two millennia ago, is still widely respected for its succinct and insightful verses that offer helpful advice for living a moral and satisfying life. The poem is praised for its universality, which cuts beyond racial and religious lines to address essential aspects of human existence. In addition to being a literary masterpiece, Thirukkural is a wellspring of ageless knowledge that emphasises the value of moral behaviour and peaceful cohabitation and speaks to readers everywhere.

Thirukkural PDF

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