Chanakya Niti in Hindi PDF

चाणक्य नीति या चाणक्य नीतिशास्त्र (४ से ३ शताब्दी ई॰पु॰ मध्य) चाणक्य द्वारा रचित एक नीति ग्रन्थ है। चाणक्य नीति …


Ikigai Book PDF

The fascinating and perceptive book “Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life” delves into the ancient Japanese …


Rich Dad Poor Dad PDF

Robert T. Kiyosaki’s personal finance classic “Rich Dad Poor Dad” questions accepted wisdom around money and investing. The father of …


The Power of Now PDF

Eckhart Tolle’s seminal work “The Power of Now” delves into the enormous effects of living in the present. According to …


48 Laws of Power PDF

Robert Greene’s best-selling book “The 48 Laws of Power” examines the relationships between influence and power. Every law is a …


She Comes First PDF

  Ian Kerner’s pioneering book “She Comes First” delves into the art of pleasing women. The 2004 book, which prioritises …


The Intelligent Investor PDF

Benjamin Graham, the founder of value investing, wrote “The Intelligent Investor,” which is a legendary classic in investment literature. This …


Zero To Dangerous PDF

A neuroscience-based peak performance programme called Zero to Dangerous is designed for high-achieving executives who are making unnecessary sacrifices in …
